Ramadhan Diary: Syurga or Sugar?

Damia always have something to ask.
A curious, cute little girl.

Today, we read a book from little caliph, here is the content:

So, Damia asked, 
"Teacher, what is syurga? Is it sugar?"

At first I was confused with the question. So I answered,
"yeah, syurga is syurga."

"Oh, sugar. Food?"

Then I realised, ohhhh, she meant sugar. 
Before answering, I laughed first because the question was too cute 😂😂

"Damia, come here. Syurga is a beautiful place. It's like a garden. But it's too beautiful that we couldn't imagine it. Let me show you some pictures of the gardens"

Then, I googled "The Most Beautiful Garden in The World"

Here are some pictures I got:
credit: google

Damia was like, "Wahhhhhh"
"yes Damia. It is mesmerising right?"
"But syurga is much more beautiful than this?"
"Does syurga bigger than this?"
"Yes. Much bigger"
"Teacher, in syurga, can we ask anything we want?"
"Yes Damia. You can ask anything you want"
"We can eat anything?"
"Yes. You can eat anything."

She was so amazed. Then she asked,

"can we change our eyes' colours?"
"You can ask for anything Damia."
"Wah, can we talk to strangers there?"
"You can talk to everyone. In syurga, there's no strangers. Everyone is a good person"
"Syurga is for good people."
"Hmm.. but I'm not good enough"
"Damia, no one is good enough. But, we always try to be as good as we can"

This Ramadhan, let us all aim to be a better muslim, to attain taqwa and pray to be the one that He chooses to be with great people in Jannah.

Insha Allah.

One more thing I love about Jannah is,
Once you enter Jannah, all your pain goes away as if you never experienced it before.

Akan tetapi orang-orang yang bertakwa kepada Tuhannya bagi mereka surga yang mengalir sungai-sungai di dalamnya, sedang mereka kekal di dalamnya sebagai tempat tinggal (anugerah) dari sisi Allah. Dan apa yang di sisi Allah adalah lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang berbakti.

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